How to Tell if Allergies Are Causing Your Dry Cough, According to a Doctor

latex allergy diagnostic test :: Article Creator

Allergies To Dental Materials

Suspected allergies in dentistry should be confirmed by an allergy test conducted by a dermatologist or allergist, due to the potential for a life threatening allergic reaction or the development of a long-term occupational disability. When an allergy test to a certain dental material is found to be positive, the dental team should take appropriate precautions to eliminate the use of the offending allergen by using alternative materials, for example, latex-free gloves or nickel-free alloys.

Research demonstrates that there are numerous potential allergens in everyday dental practice. However, currently there is not enough evidence to indicate that use of popular dental materials should be discontinued. Nevertheless, the dental team should remain vigilant and acutely aware of the potential of the many available dental materials and products to cause allergic hypersensitivity within the mild to severe range, both intra-orally and at unrelated parts of the body. Materials that warrant particular awareness include latex, nickel, methacrylate, eugenol and polyether impression materials.

References available from the author on wiltshir@cc.Umanitoba.Ca.

Box 1: Test yourself

1. What proportion of orthodontic patients with pierced ears is allergic to nickel?

A. 60% B. 20% C. 30%

2. When did latex allergy become more common?

A. 21st century B. 1980s C. 1940s

3. A Type IV reaction is:

A. Delayed B. Immediate C. Fatal

ANSWERS: 1C, 2B, 3A.


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