
Showing posts from November, 2022

A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing & Treating Back Acne -

Do you remember your teenage years? Pimples were quite common among us. However, contrary to popular belief, pimples are not restricted to pubescent boys and girls; you can get acne even in your thirties. And if you thought pimples could only attack your face, brace yourself! You can get pimples anywhere on your body. Pimples cause a lot of discomforts and can be very difficult to eliminate. When treating acne, it is essential to understand what is causing your back to break out. Insufficiencies in hygiene, diet, lifestyle, or other deficiencies can trigger acne. The skin's surface is covered in pores or tiny openings around sweat glands and hair follicles that help in the secretion and absorption of substances. The buildup of sweat, dust, oil, and bacteria can often clog pores, resulting in acne. Table of Contents Types of Acne © iStock Acne can be of various types. Let's go through t

Here's how to know if you have rosacea and how to deal with symptoms - Florida Today

Susan Hammerling-Hodgers  |  Special to FLORIDA TODAY Support local journalism.  A digital subscription is incredibly affordable and makes you the most informed person around.  Click here and subscribe today . It's exciting that the holidays are approaching and we are able to see friends and family at gatherings and parties. However, Tara, 53, is extremely stressed with all of the shopping for the holidays she is has been doing. After shopping, she went to relax with some friends at the local wine bar. While having a glass of red wine she noticed her face immediately became more flush. She complains to her friends of the constant redness on her face with breakout in pimples. Susan's previous three columns: She feels like her skin looks like she is a teenager again. Her face seems to be breaking out more recently with all the stress from work and family. She has also noticed her face seems to break out more frequently while

Austin, here's how to get ready for arrival of cedar fever season - Austin American-Statesman

In Central Texas, cedar fever season is right around the corner. Are you ready for it? This pollen allergy typically hits the Austin area in December and lasts through January, sometimes into February. For cedar fever sufferers, that means itchy eyes, runny noses, scratchy throats and generally feeling terrible. What causes cedar fever? Cedar fever is an allergy to a pollen. It isn't really cedar-related and doesn't typically come with a fever. It's triggered when the male Ashe juniper trees get excited to spread their pollen to the female Ashe juniper trees. They let the wind spread their pollen to all their female Ashe juniper friends far and wide. (How do you tell a male Ashe juniper from a female? The female has berries on the branches. The male will be coated with yellowish brown pollen.) Anyone who has been exposed to this Ashe juniper pollen over time might start feeling its effects. What makes cedar fever so difficult compared with other allergies is the number of a

Itch: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment - Skin Health - Verywell Health

Feeling itchy or having an itch is a sensation of irritation on the skin that prompts you to scratch. The itch can have many different causes, from dry skin to underlying health issues. This article explores the possible symptoms, causes, and treatment options for itchy skin. Symptoms of Itch The main symptom of an itch is an irritating sensation on the skin. However, itching can also present alongside other symptoms, such as: Mild painful sensation Rash Itch and Pain In most cases, itching shouldn't hurt. However, the sensation can feel similar to pain. If a person scratches the area too aggressively, the skin can become red, raw, and painful. Causes of Itch Many factors can cause an itch to develop, as it is typically a symptom of something else. However, irritation can develop for no known reason at all. Some possible causes include: Itch as a Warning Sign Sometimes the itch you're experiencing is

The Consequences of Misdiagnosed Eczema: Why It Happens - Verywell Health

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes a scaly, itchy, inflamed, and sometimes painful rash. Eczema is very common, affecting one in 10 Americans. However, the diagnosis criteria for eczema are not very specific, and skin conditions often have similar appearances. Plus, there is no definitive test to diagnose eczema. That can lead to eczema misdiagnosis.   This article will explain why eczema misdiagnosis can occur and why it's important to get a proper diagnosis for your skin condition.  Albina Gavrilovic / Getty Images For an Official Diagnosis, Visit a Dermatologist Misdiagnosis can often occur because primary care physicians aren't familiar with various skin conditions. In fact, a small 2020 study found that about 48% of skin conditions were misdiagnosed by general practitioners. So, if you have recurring skin issues, it's best to see a board-certified dermatologist. These doctors are best

Nail Psoriasis vs. Fungus: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Verywell Health

About 10% to 15% of dermatology visits are made to address nail problems. The appearance of your nails can change because of infections, medical problems, and body changes, but fungus and psoriasis are two of the more common causes. It may be difficult for you to tell these two conditions apart, but there are several features that distinguish nail psoriasis from nail fungus. In this article, you will learn the differences between the two, the causes of each, and how each condition can be treated. Alona Siniehina / Getty Images Is It a Nail Fungus or Nail Psoriasis? Nail fungus and psoriasis can be difficult to tell apart, with both causing changes in the texture and color of your nails. Telling the two apart might be a little easier once you understand how different these conditions are. What Is Nail Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition that can affect your nails, skin, hair, and joints. The dry, red plaques t