What’s The Deal With Parabens?
wheezing at night only :: Article Creator What To Know About Wheezing Wheezing can occur with asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders that cause narrow airways. Doctors may prescribe an inhaler to relieve wheezing. Home remedies may also offer some relief. Since so many conditions can cause wheezing, people should speak with a doctor to diagnose the underlying cause if they experience concerning symptoms. People should seek emergency medical help if they experience chest pain and sudden difficulty breathing. Wheezing happens when blockages or inflammation of a person's airways makes their breathing sound like whistling or squeaking. Various conditions can cause this symptom. Wheezing can occur when someone is breathing out, breathing in, or both. If a person experiences a wheezing sound when breathing out, it typically means they are only exhaling at around half their usual capacity. The duration and severit...