What May Be Causing Redness In Your Face And How To Fix It - Glam

Redness in the skin can also be caused by cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection that, if left untreated, can pose critical health problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cellulitis is also characterized by aching, swelling, and blisters in the affected skin, which are typically accompanied by chills or fever. The inflamed skin, when touched, feels warm and tender. Cellulitis, per Skinsight, is caused by the bacteria Streptococcus or Staphylococcus, which penetrate the skin through open wounds and accumulate into chockfull of ulcers. When you spot symptoms of cellulitis, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early treatment with antibiotics is essential in keeping the symptoms in check. Cellulitis can appear anywhere on the body, from your face to your legs. Diabetes, open wounds, edema, obesity, poor immune system, and bites from both insects, animals, and humans can put you at risk of developing cellulitis.

Because numerous illnesses can cause redness in your face, getting an early diagnosis and proper treatment is critical in preventing your conditions from getting worse. Some home remedies are effective against flushed skin, but it's better to know exactly what causes it and develop healthy habits to steer clear of triggers. Your untrained eye can't discern the underlying cause of your skin issue, so refrain from self-medicating yourself with any pill or ointment the Internet suggests.


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